Friday, February 10, 2012

Plug those earphones out!

Hi people!

I have noticed in recent years that music is getting more popularity. It is definitely a common sight too see people plugged into their earpiece and start blasting music. I have to admit that music was once a MUST to have whenever I'm traveling around as the journey will be boring and music helps to keep me entertained.

However there was 1 occasion that probably changed me. It was one fine day, a typical one, and then I realized that my ipod nano ran out of battery! Well, I told myself "This can't happen! ". I desperately needed music to occupy my time. I had no choice but to step out of my house without my ipod. As i walked across the bridge to cross a canal, I heard a faint noise. It wasn't a noise, it was something that sounded familiar....It was nature. I listened closely and I heard a lot of things I haven't heard for the past few years crossing the same bridge. Leaves rustling, birds chirping, the occasional breeze that made me feel that nature is the most pleasant music I have ever heard. The whole environment was quiet and I slowly closed my eyes, sucking in fresh air to fill my lungs. The air was light and slightly chilly. I really have to say that that momment made me cherish the little things that is around me that I once took it for granted. Ever since that event, I never brought my ipod out again because music is EVERYWHERE.

What I am trying to say is that people should stop listening to ipods everywhere they go. They should learn to interact more with people around them, friends, families or better still strangers(of course not suspicious ones). People nowadays are getting more selfish and also giving a cold shoulder to others. PLUG OUT THOSE EARPHONES and listen to people around you.

Thats all,
thesilentguy(I know its ironic though)

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